Hey there friends!! It’s November!! Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?? I am happy to report that we have!! We always, always, always plan to start early, but we never, ever do. Until this year!! I’m so happy that a couple of our most difficult people to find a gift for already have presents waiting in hiding!! Yay!
Speaking of shopping, do you make lists for your significant others? (today we are talking wish lists, not to do lists 😉 ) When we were first married we did not. My hubby always wanted to pick something out himself. So sweet and thoughtful. And, he almost always did a great job. As the years have passed, he has decided that lists aren’t that bad and can actually be pretty helpful. I always make sure my kids create lengthy lists so that they don’t know what they might be getting and might not. And, I try really hard to get a list out of hubby. What is it with men – they never need or want anything (at least not the men in my life Ha!)
Today I thought I would share a couple of things that I would love to find under my tree, and a couple of things I have received this past year that I have loved that you might want to add to your list.
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At the top of my list is this book.
Has anyone read it yet?? I know so many of us love their show. I love watching them interact with one another and their kids just as much as I love their design. I imagine their story might be just as captivating.
I’d also really love to read this.
I just love reading other peoples story. Everyone has a story to tell!
Next on my list is one of these gadgets.
I’ve seen so much about them recently and I’m intrigued. We are trying to be healthier around here and will take all the help we can get!
A couple of things that you might like that I absolutely love. This cookbook is so good.
I have to say I have only tried half a dozen of the recipes in here, but they have all been fairly simple and simply delicious – hits with the whole family even! And, have you seen her new line of dishes and other kitchen items – I’ll take any of it!!
If you know someone who like photography, I was impressed with the quality of this tripod for the price.
It definitely beats the one I used to have that I’m pretty sure I paid almost the same price for years ago.
Well, that’s a start at least. I may have to think of one or two more things, so if you have any suggestions for me let me know! The recommendation of a friend is the best!!
I’m excited to be joining some other talented bloggers this week for a Thanksgiving Tablescape blog hop which starts today! I will be sharing my table on Wednesday, but you definitely want to check out these other talented bloggers for some awesome inspiration. Here is the schedule for the week.
Thanksgiving Tablescape Blog Hop
Craftivity Designs / North Country Nest / 2 Bees in a Pod / My Life From Home / Dazzle While Frazzled / The Crazy Craft Lady / What Meegan Makes
At Home With Zan / Our Crafty Mom / Blue i Style / Life on the Bay Bush / The Magic Brush Inc / Designers Sweet Spot
Meet Our Life / Celebrate & Decorate / Corner 52 / My Creative Days / Frazzled Joy / An Alli Event
I would love any of those books Denise! This is a great list and a good reminder I need to get my family to give me ideas early so I can get the shopping done and actually enjoy the Christmas season!
Lists have become essential around here, especially now that our kiddos are older! I used to know what they wanted when they were little, but now I never have a clue!!