Hey there friends! How have you been? Long time no see! For so many reasons that I may or may not go into. I needed a break from content creation. But also, I have been doing other creating!! Some of you know I started a home decor and gift shop. It has been a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. Any of you that have ever had your own business will definitely be able to relate I’m sure!! I love creating, so about 50% of my inventory is hand-made, at least for now. I am learning a lot while renting a space inside a vendors market here in Edmond.

There have been a lot of family/personal changes around here too. Sickness, loss, marriage, moving, etc. All of which required my attention and focus. I know we are in a season of life that is going to bring pretty much constant change, so I am trying to embrace that reality and make the most of it. All the while enjoying each day for the precious gift that it is.
Hubby and I just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary!!! WOW!! We have experience so much, learned so much and changed so much over those 30 years. We are definitely not the same people we were when we first got married. And, the good thing is we still like each other!! haha Seriously though, when we first became empty nesters a few years ago when our baby left for college, we both wondered how it would go. Praise God it went better than either of us expected!! We really do enjoy each others company still!! We still have things to learn, and change to experience, but we are thanking God for each day that we have together from now until eternity.

I haven’t done too many projects around the house lately. A few, but nothing like I was doing when I was cranking out content here haha!! We thought maybe back when the housing market was crazy, and the interest rates were super low, that we might move. We looked and even put in a few offers. But, that was not God’s plan. Next month will be 23 years in this home. We never dreamed we would be here that long, but this home has truly been a blessing. We may be empty nesters, but our family continues to grow so we have no desire to down size! Gotta make sure we have room for grands when we are blessed with them!!
It has been nice to write and share with you today! I plan to be doing more of it so be watching for that! If you are not on my email list currently, that’s always the best way to stay in touch!

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