I think I’ve completely forgot how to blog! Haha!! But seriously, I opened my blog admin and couldn’t remember how to create a new post! Thankfully I remembered my password! LOL!
I know you’ve heard it before, but I never intended on taking this long of a break from the blog. These last 3 years have been challenging in so many ways and I believe God has been working on me. So, rather than fight against that I decided to pause and allow Him to do what He needed to do. If I needed to say goodbye to this endeavor for good then so be it.
I could probably write a short story about what’s been going on but I think I’ll spare you that and just hit the highlights. You’re welcome.
2020 was a doozy for everyone so that’s no surprise. In 2021 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery as well as radiation. (cancer free now thank you Jesus) We also graduated our last kiddo from high school and moved him off to college. We were new empty nesters! (come to find out we LOVE it, but it was still a bit of an adjustment) I started a business – The Cozy Home Collective – follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you’re not! It is a home decor and gift shop with 50% handmade goods and 50% retail items. I have a space in Serendipity Market in Edmond. So, if you’re local go check it out! That has grown consistently over the past couple of years – in sales, in product, and in space!

In 2022 we helped our oldest and his wife move to Florida. Bittersweet yes, but we have a fabulous place to visit and they love it there! We decided to throw our hat in the ring during the CRAZY home buying/selling market. We looked at a lot of houses, put in offers on a few, worked to get our house market ready, lost out on all the houses, and eventually just decided to take our hat out of the ring when interest rates climbed to 5%.
We didn’t and don’t NEED to move. Our home is great, our neighborhood is fine. Do we sometimes wish we had a little more space between us and the neighbors? yes Do we sometimes wish we had a few more amenities inside? yes Was I bored and needing a clean slate to start making our own again? 100% But, that was not God’s plan and like I said…why try to fight against God?
So we decided to just love on the home that God gave us and work on growing my business. I have big ideas. 🙂

In 2023 (so far) we have built a garden, a storage shed, had an EPIC garage sale to clean out the house, but mostly the garage, Set up a better space for work and storage for the shop.

Things were moving along, and then in June I had a gall-bladder attack that resulted in me having my gall bladder removed. Ugh. Thankfully things are good currently and I am getting the itch to do something home related again.
How I operate – I think about something for a long time, I ooooh and awwww over pictures, pin them to pinterest boards, make up all kinds of excuses for why I shouldn’t do it, and then one day I just do it. Anyone else??
Anyway, I actually did miss this blogging thing a bit. So, here I am! Thank you to those who have read through this whole post. You guys are awesome! More to come soon!

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