Well, we are home from dropping our oldest off at college. If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw some of the fun we had :).
And of course the goodbye.
He is right where he should be, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for him over the next four years!!
But, now that we are home, it’s time to move on to my ever-growing list of DIY projects. Surely I’m not the only one that keeps adding to the list??
Years ago I promised my two ‘little’ boys that they could have their own rooms when their brother went to college. Well, that day is here and they are oh so excited. We started a little bit of prep work this summer, and we were into the mess before I even thought to take before pics. So I quickly snapped a couple of messy pics of each room for me and for you. Excuse the mess, if you have kids, or do DIY you understand that it has to get way worse before it can get better.
Here are the three rooms before.
And because I was feeling generous, I let my daughter pick which room she wanted, and just as I suspected she picked the largest room. This means that EVERYONE of them is moving. The main move happened yesterday, and I am hoping to get the walls painted this weekend. But, we shall see.
I have sat down with each one of them, and there is a plan for each that matching their personality perfectly. I really do love creating kids rooms. For them to have a space that they feel comfortable in is such a treasure, especially in the tweens and teen years. Because, let’s be honest, sometimes you just need to get away and be by yourself. 😉
Whoa… ambitious! Way to stay busy, Mama. Can't wait to see everything come together!