Hey there friends! So sorry for the radio silence. The last six months have been somewhat of a whirlwind. I think I might have mentioned in my last post that there had been a lot going on but that was about all I shared. So, now that I’ve had time I thought I would share my story. If you follow me on Instagram and watch my stories, or if you are a close friend of family member then you already know all or most of this.
At the beginning of March I went in for my routine yearly mammogram. The tech got her images, and then asked me to wait to get dressed while she showed the images to the doctor. All normal practices. The place where I have my mammograms done gives same day results, which is wonderful. Nothing more nerve wracking then having to wait for a call. Then the tech came back and said the doctor wanted a few more pictures, also not completely unusual, I’ve had to do this before (dense breast tissue = hard to see things). Then she took me to a different room to wait “just in case he wants more pictures or an ultrasound”. At this point I had been there for about 45 minutes and I started to get concerned. Sure enough, he wanted an ultrasound. So, we went to yet another room for that.
Now, I’m familiar with what ultrasounds look like on a screen – hello, four kids. So as the nurse is doing her thing, I see the thing that the doctor has obviously seen. So, I was not surprised when he came in to talk to me. A mass on my left breast. It’s small, but it’s new. New since last year. He recommended that we biopsy it along with a cluster on my right breast (which has been there for years – but if we’re doing one why not do both).
And the whirlwind begins. Biopsy scheduled, and done the next week. Right breast is fine, but the mass on my left is cancer. Never what you want to here….ever. What followed was days of haziness and anxiety, lots of doctors visit with lots of terms I didn’t know, lots of information, and lots of decisions to be made. The good news in all of it was it was small, they found it early, and it was not genetic but rather hormone driven.
I chose to have a lumpectomy to remove the small tumor, followed by radiation treatment and hormone blocking pills (which I will take for the next 5 years). No chemo. This stretched on through the middle of July. By the end of July everything was healed and I was beginning to feel like myself again.

Last week I went for my first mammogram since surgery and it came back CLEAR! I am so thankful that my cancer journey was short and basically the best case scenario situation. But, it still turns your world upside down for a minute. I love the Lord, and my peace comes from Him. I knew through all of it that no matter the outcome He would be right by my side. I’m not saying I didn’t have some dark days, and quite a few tears. I most definitely did. But, He never left me then any of it.
The body of Christ, my brothers and sisters in Christ shone bright through it all. So many prayer warriors, countless cards, text messages, gift baskets, door dash gift cards, meals, all of it. I am forever grateful for all of those who surrounded me during this time.
I tell this to encourage all of you to get out there and have your annual mammogram done!! If it’s been a while, call and make that appointment now. If I had skipped a year, my story could have been drastically different. Do it for yourself and do it for those who love you.
In August we moved our youngest to college. Which means we are now empty nesters. I’m not gonna lie – it’s weird. There are a lot of great things about it. But, it’s real quiet and still in this house.

We have been casually looking at houses. The plan has always been to move when the last one graduated high school. We like our house and our neighborhood, we have just longed for a little bit more space around us for a while now.
I don’t know if the market is crazy where you are, but let me tell you it sure is here! Great for sellers, but not so great for buying. Limited inventory leads to multiple offer situations in most cases. Honestly there have only been three houses that have peaked our interest enough to put in offers. None of which we ended up getting.
So….we are pressing the pause button on that for the next few months. Our home is the hub for the holidays and I just can’t fathom trying to move in the midst of that. Our attitude from the beginning has been to go with God’s plan. If it’s His plan for us to move, He’ll bring the right house, if not then He won’t We’re not trying to rush it, because we don’t have to.
I’ve got a couple of projects planned before the holidays with that in mind, so I’m excited to share! As well as plenty of holiday decor!
We’ve been doing a bit of traveling – visiting kids mostly. But, I think we’re enjoying our freedom to do that haha!
I have re-named my Etsy shop along with opening up a booth space at a local craft mall (do they call them that anymore???). I am having fun with that but man it is consuming a lot of my time.

Oh and we got a puppy!! Meet Milo.

Like I said, it’s been a bit busy around here in the last six months!!! But, I’ve missed y’all! If you’ve made it this far – thanks for reading!

SO good to hear from you! I have checked occasionally and figured you were taking a break, busy with family, friends and church. Sorry to hear the breast cancer find, BUT so glad you found it early and have had good success so far. God is good and a refuge to be trusted – PTL!! Love the family beach photo!! Milo is so cute!! Hopefully a good puppy too!
Thanks sweet friend!!