Happy to have you here!!
Have I told you how much I like pictures??
I am thankful for my camera on my phone, because unlike my big bulky camera, my phone is always with me to catch the lovely things of daily life.
Do you instagram?? If you don’t, you should 🙂 Want to follow along?? I am denisegwood
Here is a view of my week in pictures via instagram 🙂
I have been a crazy person about decluttering and organizing all summer. And, finally my kids are catching the bug…even my teenage daughter
an idea she found on pinterest…we’ll see how long it lasts ;).
I have been whining struggling with the thought of my first-born baby starting his senior year.
One more then and now. Walking down memory lane is fun, and I am embracing the change. Going to enjoy every last second!!
While I was cleaning out my craft closet I discovered a tub of crayons and markers and got the itch to color.
Do you ever get the urge to color? I love the look and smell 🙂 of new crayons!! I was surprised (well maybe not) at how many of my adult friends said YES they loved to color!! Fun times! Maybe I need to have some girlfriends over for a coloring party :).
Great back to school pics. Love the signs.
Those are cute back-to-school signs! 🙂 And add me to that list of adults who like to color. 😉 Fun blog! Stopping by from InstaFriday…
Awww Denise! The kinder – senior pictures!!!! Where does the time go, is what I want to know. Love that you took first day of school pics with the signs of what year they are going into. I started out strong doing that when my kids were preschoolers and forgot to keep it up over the years. Maybe I need to start doing that again. Enjoy this special year with all your kiddos at home.