Oh my, as I typed that title I realized that there are those of you younger than me that may not even know what that means. Bless your heart. So, back in the day, when you played music on a record player, sometimes the needle would get stuck on a speck of dust, or a scratch, or something and just stay in that spot playing that same second or two of music over and over again until someone fixed it by moving the needle. The dark ages of music, I know.
But, honestly, this is how I have been feeling lately. I wake up every morning praising the Lord for a new day and for new mercies, excited for what today will bring, and then I find myself at the end of the day wondering where the day went! I’m getting very little done. Many, many of the things that were on my brain in the morning to do, were never thought of again, until the night of course.
I have struggled getting into a routine since the kids went back to school. And a routine is sooo what I need. I’m getting by with most of the necessities – you know food on the table, clean clothes – but the details are missing, things keep falling through the cracks. I have missed blogging regularly and I have so much to share, but the needle keeps getting stuck and I can’t seem to find time to make it on here! I have a growing list of projects as usual, but I am not doing a very good job of crossing things off the list!
My baby girl is a senior, and this year she is only going to school half a day, then taking online classes at the local college. I LOVE having her home every afternoon!! So blessed to have this time with her! But, it seems the only thing that gets done is lots of quality time watching Friends!! Which is great, but as I said earlier – list is growing, dirt is collecting, you get the picture.
I’m great at making to do lists, not great at referencing them. Not good with planners. Terrible at goal setting. I’m a dreamer, I just need to learn how to make those dreams happen. I do my best to keep my eyes focused on the Lord throughout the day, and letting Him go before me and show me what is important. That’s a start! People before projects always. Necessities before details. 🙂
What keeps you from moving forward? What is it that makes your record skip?? Any good ideas on how to make a schedule work for a non-planner? If you made it this far through this gut-spilling post – thanks for letting me spill! 🙂 Have a great weekend my friends!! Hope to see you back here next week for some fun things!!
Mary K.- In the boondocks says
Denise we all go through these transitional periods. I think once the kids start growing and get to that age, there is never a normal routine any more. We have to find new ways to deal with life and to interact with them and their new schedule. After a while you get used to it. Hang in there, and give it time.
Holly Goode says
Mary said it so perfectly! It is a transitional stage. Both of you have put into words exactly what my life is like right now too. It's so nice to know that we are normal haha. I think you have your priorities right though. You have been an encouragement to me today. Thanks.
Denise Greenwood says
You are right there is never a normal routine. Things are always changing. Thanks so much for your kind encouragement Mary!
Denise Greenwood says
Isn't it great to know you're not alone! Glad you were encouraged Holly! 🙂