Knock, knock. Anyone there?? I had no intention of taking such a long break from the blog but things have been a little weird around here. I’ve sat for days trying to come up with the words I could say to you to explain my absence. But, then I figured the truth would just be best. I enjoy other bloggers’ transparency, so that’s what I’m going to give you today. Including a rare selfie. 🙂 (and then some random decor pics just to break up all the text)
Have you ever just been down in the dumps?? Is that just an Oklahoman saying? A few weeks ago that’s where I found myself. Down in the dumps. I just had zero motivation to do anything. I tried my best to push through the things that had to be done, but beyond that, nothing. And, I also made plenty of excuses as to why a lot of things didn’t “have” to be done. Everyone was still alive, we had clean clothes (even if they weren’t put away), we had food of some sort or another. But work of any other kind was just not getting done.
If I’m being honest, I did a lot of couch sitting and Netflix binge watching. I just couldn’t quite shake whatever I was feeling. And then, when I did start to see the light at the end of the tunnel…I got sick. First the stomach flu, and then a head cold. No energy whatsoever, even when I felt better, I had no energy. So, another week of getting nothing done. And then this week we have had three out of five days off of school. Insert eye roll here.
I don’t know about you, but I hate when I get stuck in a rut like this. Sometimes I can’t control the situation, but that doesn’t negate the frustration. Seriously, I feel like I’m failing at everything. Anyone else relate??
I have been doing a bible study this semester all about grace. What do you know about grace? Do you allow yourself grace? Do you give grace to others? I have learned so much! I have understood grace how it relates to my salvation. But, I’ve never really understood what it means on a day to day basis. This is what comes in handy when you’re feeling frazzled. Grace upon grace friends. That’s how we get through. We all have hard days, weeks, months. We cannot beat ourselves up about what we’re not getting time during those times. Grace allows us to focus on the good, the positive, the JOY of the moment.
Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
-James 1:2-3 (NASB)
Sometimes the JOY is harder to see, but it’s there, every time, I promise. Yes, sometimes you have to look for it, but it is always there. So, I have been doing my best to find JOY everyday. Do you count you blessings each day? If you don’t, then you should. I challenge you to find 10 things you are thankful for each day. And try to find specific things. General things like your kids and your husband are great, but let’s get deeper than that. 🙂
My brain is full of projects that I can’t wait to bring to the blog. I’m hoping to get back to regularly scheduled programming very soon!! Thanks for hanging around and not deserting me here! You guys are my people!
Have a great weekend!!
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Glad you are feeling better Denise. We have all been there at one point or another! You are such a light in this dark world, always lifting others up with your words and kindness! I always feel a bit of a hibernation in winter, both literally staying inside more, and retreating into a quieter place in my heart. But spring is on the way!!
thanks. we needed to hear this. our move is a blessed thing BUT the colds that knocked our getting things done off schedule have put us “down in the dumps”. your email is so relate-able AND what a wonderful reminder about grace.
hope you are feeling so much better
Glad you are feeling better Denise. We have all been there at one point or another! You are such a light in this dark world, always lifting others up with your words and kindness! I always feel a bit of a hibernation in winter, both literally staying inside more, and retreating into a quieter place in my heart. But spring is on the way!!
Thank you Lisa! You are such an encouragement to me always! 🙂 Winter is tough for sure, and spring can’t get here fast enough! Bless you sweet friend!
thanks. we needed to hear this. our move is a blessed thing BUT the colds that knocked our getting things done off schedule have put us “down in the dumps”. your email is so relate-able AND what a wonderful reminder about grace.
hope you are feeling so much better
I’m sorry you’ve been feeling down in the dumps too Brenda. I’m thankful you were encouraged and I hope you are feeling so much better as well!!