Today I want to share a very simple piece of advice that I think we all could benefit from, especially in the midst of the busiest time of year. Whether your kids are babies, toddlers, grade-schoolers, pre-teens, tweeners, teens, or even grown (or a combo of several).
It’s one word – RELAX. Give yourself a break. Take five. Chill. However you want to phrase it. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Things are far better than you think they are. It doesn’t matter if the dishes are done, the laundry is folded, or the floors are vacuumed. It doesn’t matter if the house is perfectly decorated or the kids are cutely outfitted. What matters are the people God has blessed you with to share your life. Your spouse, you kids. Snuggle up with one of them. Ask them about their day. Take a nap together. Do something they want to do. Read to or with your kiddos.
What I hear from friends young and old these days more than anything is how exhausted and stressed they are. You know as well as I do, tired and stressed does not make a good mommy or wife. Don’t sign up for things out of guilt. Don’t add things to your to do list that aren’t necessary. If you have to, schedule some time. Set a reminder on your phone for yourself. Seriously. Just to take a minute and breathe in the moment.
One of my favorite bloggers, Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick shares some similar advice here, Becky at Farmgirl Paints shares her heart here, and Jeannett at Life Rearranged speaks to it here. Take a moment and read about Ann’s Christmas Revolution here – I love her heart.
When my kids were tiny people kept telling me “it goes sooo fast, enjoy every minute”, and all I could think was “I can’t wait until they are bigger/older/more independent.” If you have littles maybe you can relate. But, now that my kids are all bigger/older/more independent I understand what they were talking about and I long for more days/hours/minutes.
I can’t say it enough. RELAX!! Sorry maybe I should say it like this relax. You owe it to yourself and to your family.
Linking up with Kathy at Cornerstone Confessions / Kristen at We Are That Family
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