What a wonderful time of year!! I’ve shared with you guys before how much I enjoy counting my blessings. Looking back through the past and recounting my steps and God’s hand. But, until recently I’ve never really been what I would call a grateful person. I complain a lot (about nothing). I whine (about a lot of things). Why do I do this? Disposition? {Possibly} Circumstances? {No – I know better} Habit? {I think so} How sad is it that my habit is to be grumpy.
A couple of weeks ago I started reading a book called “One Thousands Gifts” by Ann Voskamp{because I saw it in a post by The Nester whom I adore :)} A friend challenged Ann, the author, to make an actual written list of one thousand things she was thankful for. She took the challenge and began journaling. Just reading about the way her senses seemed to be heightened to even the “little” God moments that surrounded her throughout the day has inspired me. I find myself noticing the positive side of even the most inconvenient moments. And man oh man has it changed my attitude. Isn’t it amazing the effect gratitude has on our hearts? I am working on making thankfulness my habit, because truthfully I have more things to be thankful for than I have things to complain about.
Today I am most thankful for a Savior who takes me just as I am. Who chooses to use me in my imperfection. Who hears me when I call. May I always be mindful of You.
I showed you at the beginning of the month our bare Thankful Tree. Here is an update
Isn’t it beautiful!?! Look at all those leaves!! There are all sorts of things that we have been thankful for this month and it has been great fun to document some of them in writing. We actually used all the leaves!! Next year I may have to make twice as many leaves because we are truly blessed, blessed, blessed!!
Wishing you and your family a blessing-filled Thanksgiving!! Turkey and family fun to be had!!
Well said, Denise! I think I need that book on my Christmas list. The tree looks great! I forgot to get ours started this year until it was too late. Guess we could do one for Christmas! 🙂