A few weeks ago I was contacted by Alison from Nancherrow about participating in a blog hop – a Tour Through Blogland. I loved the idea of giving my readers a little insight into how things tick around here at Frazzled JOY, and to introduce you to a blogger that might be new to you!
I have been blogging now for two years. I was an avid blog reader before and found that DIY blogs really renewed my love for creativity and DIY. With a little coaxing from my hubby I decided to put my own voice out there.
What am I working on?
I always have several projects going at once, and I am notorious for starting another. Right now I am working on my kiddos bedrooms. I shared here that when my oldest moved to college, all the rest moved into new rooms, and they all had a vision for their rooms. So, I have been working to make those visions happen. Remember this is where we started a couple of months ago. It’s been a slow process but we are getting there.
How does my work differ from others in my genre?
The most important thing to me about this blog is being myself. You might get a great DIY project one week, you might get a quick tip the next. The next week might be filled with heart stories of our family, or our faith.
Why do I write what I do?
My goal in writing and creating is to encourage. Maybe you are encouraged or inspired to try a DIY or an organizing project. Maybe you are struggling with being a wife or mother on a particular day and something I said helps you know that you are not alone in your struggle. Really this is my purpose – to bless.
How does my writing process work?
Most days I share things I am working on at our home. As I have been speaking to during this month’s blog series – I am still working to make all the spaces in this home functional and pleasing for our family. I do my best to share how-tos as much as I can. Some days however, the Lord puts words, thoughts, emotions on my heart. And, when that happens, I am called to share.
I am so thankful for those that read along. I pray that you are blessed through this little corner of webiverse.
Speaking of being a blessing. I would love to introduce to you Lisa from Shine Your Light.
Lisa has been a blessing to me from the very beginning with her sweet words of encouragement! She is a fellow DIYer with some mad skills. You really must go and check her out!!
She just completed a quick update to the stairs in her garage.
Also these fabulous built-ins that she built last spring!!
If you don’t know Lisa, take a minute and say hello!!
Denise I love your heart and your intentions in blogging. I am also working on making my house functional for the people that live in it, a constant work in progress! I adore your blog, and the projects you share here. Thank you so much for the introduction!! xo