Hey! How are you my friends!! It’s been a minute! If you’ve been around you probably weren’t too surprised to see me take a bit of a break around and after the holidays. But, this might have been the longest break I’ve ever taken. I mentioned to my Facebook people that I was stepping back a bit from the blog for a time, and I meant to do that here. But, it never happened. I apologize for the radio silence, but after 2020 and all that came with it, I just needed a break. And honestly, I didn’t know how much I actually needed the break until I took it.

I’ll admit that sometimes my creativity is lacking. I don’t have a vision for new projects, no ideas floating around in my head. It’s kind of weird for sure because most of the time there are no less than 10 project ideas floating around up there. HAHA! But as most could attest, this last year has just different. My hubby has been home more. Working from home for a month and then here and there after that. My college boy was home for about a month and a half after Thanksgiving. My high school senior boy has been home three days a week (sort of) from the start of school. So, there’s that. I don’t think too clearly when other people are around!

I can’t say that it was all bad. I kind of like having the extra time with my family. It’s a blessing in disguise especially with my senior boy considering he’s our baby and will be leaving for college in just a few short months. But, I’m not kidding when I say I don’t think clearly when other people are around, and two days a week is not really enough time to get any projects done. I know I used to do it all the time when the kids were younger, but in my older years not so much! HAHA!

But, I’m beginning to see a light at the end of this very long tunnel and I’m actually feeling the need for a project or two. I’m also feeling a shift for this blog maybe. We will see what the Lord lays on my heart in that department. But, honestly, I think this big change of becoming an empty nester of sorts has gotten me thinking as of late. What will be my next move? I never really realized how much of me I had poured into raising babies, until they are all just about grown. And I am faced with a loud “now what?”.

I did revive my Etsy shop, and I am having fun creating and making things. Exploring different mediums to find what I love most that I can share with y’all. Like I mentioned, I have a couple of small home projects in the works. Also, I am toying with the idea of sharing some craft how-to videos with you. Facebook, Instagram, here, YouTube??? Not sure yet….maybe all of the above!

To those of you that have been faithful followers all of these years. I hope you stick around for whatever might be coming next! And, I truly thank you for your support!! I threw in a few pictures from the past few months so you could see a little sneak peek into what’s been going on. 🙂

SO glad to see you back!!
Blessings on your “next steps.”
Thanks Sharon! Appreciate you following along!!