This boy is 11 today…

Isn’t he a cutie?! There are so many wonderful things about Caleb but I’m going to borrow my friend Jennifer’s idea and share 11 today…since today is his 11th birthday 🙂 And what a coincidence that it was her Caleb’s 11th birthday when she wrote that post. I hope you don’t mind me borrowing your idea Jennifer I love it!!
11. Caleb is the one child out of our four with fair skin and blond hair – meaning he looks most like Van and I both when we were little. We were actually quite surprised that the others weren’t born with blond hair.
10. See that sweet smile? It is almost always there. He is so easy-going, nothing much phases him.

9. The attempt at the serious face cracks me up. He would like for you to think that this is who he really is, but in all reality he is incredibly compassionate.

8. His giggle is contagious. See there, he’s about to laugh, can’t hold the tough face for long 😉

7. He has the most precious heart!! He loovveess to snuggle.
6. He is a great student. He does his best all the time.

5. He is a great soccer player! Dad is so happy 🙂

4. He’s creative. He is a great artist, and loves to build things.
3. He is a hard worker. Always ready to lend a hand to his Dad.

2. He loves music! I love to hear him sing out praises to The Lord, or play the piano, it blesses my heart!

1. He loves Jesus!! And to me, there’s nothing better than that.
Happy Birthday Caleb!! I love you!!
Happy Birthday Caleb! I can't believe he's 11! How is he not still 2 toddling around like he was when we first met you guys? He IS such a sweet boy and a good friend to my kids. Hope you all have a great time celebrating today!