This year’s Mother’s Day sermon plucked my mama heart strings and I just wanted to share. So here are some deep thoughts on this Thursday morning. Hopefully you are encouraged as I was!
There were two things that grabbed me. The idea of building a home – a legacy of faith – within our family. This has always been the central goal of my husband and I. We often get caught up in the competition of good grades, and success in sports, or other things the world puts value on. However, in the end, the number one thing for us is that our kids love the Lord and follow Him.
As we watched our oldest struggle with his decision for college, we prayed. Our son prayed. Our son labored and struggled through this decision. But, in the end we are all completely convinced our son is exactly where God wants him to be. And my hubby and I are encouraged to see him follow the Lord and trust in His plan.
The other thing that hit home was something my pastor said that is so evident in all of scripture – The Lord is working in the midst of the mess. Yes, Lord. Amen and thank You. Life frazzles me. Many times I feel like I’m not doing this mom thing right. Many times I feel like things are just a mess, and I’m the one who made the mess. But, what I must remember is that God is still working.
I love that. I love that my God loves me enough to see past my mess and use me anyway.
So my encouragement to you mamas is to keep on keeping on. Love God and love others, and let Him take care of the details. We are not always going to know the right thing to do, but He does.
Oh, and also, take more selfies with your kids. They will think you’re cool. Or they will take the phone and show you how it’s done. 🙂
Oh, and also, take more selfies with your kids. They will think you’re cool. Or they will take the phone and show you how it’s done. 🙂
Good word and good reminders, Denise!