Back in 2014 I painted our kitchen cabinets. I had been living with what felt like the darkest dungeon of a kitchen since we moved in, in 2001. I was so chicken to take the leap but when I did, I so wish I would have done it sooner.
Fast forward several years and now dark kitchens are trending. Specifically these moody dark green kitchens. I LOVE them and I dreamed about it for a long time. But, the truth was there was no way I could paint the whole kitchen dark. I remember how much I disliked the dungeon.
But, man I just couldn’t get that green out of my head!
So, finally I thought, what if I just did the lower cabinets?? I would still get that moody feel, but without the dungeon feel. So, I went for it!

My daughter helped me pick a paint color (which believe it or not was not as easy as I thought it would be), and I painted!!

I love it so much!! Will it stay green forever?? Who knows. But, then that is the beauty of paint!

What have you painted lately? What have you been thinking about painting but you’ve been putting it off because you’re scared?? Remember it’s just paint! If you don’t like it you can paint over it!! 🙂 I have found that most of the time it is worth the risk!

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