Well, if you were hoping to see the finished product of our entryway project you will have to check back in a couple of days. Because we are amateur DIYer’s we of course had a hiccup that delayed things a bit, and then of course life and family fun took precedent over finishing :).
But, I wanted to share some fun times we had this weekend. First up was what we OSU (Oklahoma State University) alumni call “Walk Around”. Fancy name huh? Yes, well this is a homecoming tradition at OSU. Rather than floats the fraternities and sororities create “house decs” and on Friday night before the homecoming game, they shut down the streets around the house and EVERYONE comes out to “walk around” and check them out. It is quite a scene!! Here is a glimpse…
It is a sea of orange everywhere you look!! LOVE!! You see we’re not crazy, my husband and I both graduated from OSU and we have raised all our kids to love OSU and yes orange!!
Because orange truly is the happiest color 🙂

We spent Saturday watching the game, carving pumpkins, and recovering from our Friday night fun.

The biggins’ have yet to carve their pumpkins…I hope they don’t think they’re too big for that…
Here is the finished products all lit up.

I love October…it’s the one month of the year when everyone seems to like orange 🙂
I leave you with a collage of pics from the walk around. It’s amazing what they can create with chicken wire and tissue paper.

Blessings to you and…Orange!!
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