Everyone has their people, their tribe. People who are like-minded, people that get you. I have a lot of friends that get me on many levels, but very few get this blogging thing. But, this weekend, I found my blogging people. I was blessed to attend the Haven Conference in Atlanta with several hundred other creative bloggers. Not just bloggers, but home and DIY bloggers.
I learned a ton about blogging that I never knew. So many new things I plan to implement over the next several months to make this a better place for you and for me.
I made so many new friends from all over the country! Some of whom I have been virtual friends with for a while now but had never had the privilege of meeting in person.
My awesome roomies! Cassie of Primitive & Proper, Jennifer of Dimples & Tangles, and Emily of Eleven Gables. (left to right)
A sweet blogger I’ve been following for years, who is just as sweet (if not sweeter) in person – Julie of Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss.
I met so many others that I wish I would have taken the time to get pics with, but honestly I didn’t even think about it! Next time for sure!
I heard from several talented bloggers who know way more than me. And, we capped it all of with some wonderful encouragement from John and Sherry of Young House Love! They were so fun and down to earth! (sorry for the crummy cell phone pics)
This world of blogging is like none other and I am so thankful to be a part of it.
I am ready to get back into a regular routine here with you guys! I know the summer has been very sporadic. Mostly because I have made my family a priority. And, honestly I have a couple more weeks before they are all back at school. So, who knows how much I will be posting before then!! Time is precious and I know y’all get that!
Oh! And while I was at Haven I passed my 4 year blogging anniversary! It doesn’t seem like I’ve been doing that this long, but that’s what the calendar says! So happy to have you along for the journey!
It was a great time & im so glad I got to meet you!
Me too Julie!!
So glad you had a wonderful time and connected with like-minded folks! I love the matching outfits with you and your roomies 🙂
Thanks Lisa! Totally unplanned outfit matching!! 😉