Hey y’all!! I mentioned that at Haven conference last month we were given a huge bag of swag compliments of several sponsors. Today I paired together two of those freebies and created something fun for our kitchen.
I’ve never tried my hand at succulents and I don’t have the greenest of thumbs so we shall see how it goes!
But, back to the crates from Crates and Pallet. Aren’t they cute? My roomies were sweet enough to let me have there’s and the kitchen window sill idea was inspired by Emily. 😉 Thanks girls! (it doesn’t look like they sell this size – probably made just for us at Haven)
They started like this.
Simple, cute, but a little plain. Also in our swag was this – Better With Age, from Vintage Wood Mercantile by Amy Howard. It’s a liquid, sort of like a stain but not.
Soak the piece with the product by brushing on a liberal coat (following product directions).
Then simply let dry for several hours. As the product soaks into the wood, you will begin to see the transformation. Here is how it looked after about an hour.
And here is how the crate looked the next morning.
Check out this side by side comparison that shows the transformation even better!
The directions say the sanding the wood will allow the product to soak in more for a different effect. Maybe something like what happened with the stir stick. I also think it would effect different types of wood in different ways. How fun to experiment!
But, I didn’t sand (because I’m lazy like that sometimes), and I love how they turned out! I did not add any product – no top coat or sealer, you can if you want, I just didn’t think it was necessary for what I was planning on using them for.
Here’s another shot of them all filled up with their mason jars, and succulents. 😀
A quick and easy project and I love the impact!!
We shipped another kiddo off to college yesterday. Pardon me while I cry in my corner. 😥 Having two gone makes me miss both of them even more! Enjoy your weekend friends! I’ve got a couple more fun projects that are just about ready to share!
Linking up with That DIY Party / The Creative Gallery / Wow Us Wednesday / Show and Tell Link Party / Totally Terrific Tuesday / Work It Wednesday / Create It Thursday / The Creative Circle / The Inspiration Gallery
I love your little crates! I need a whole bunch of them. And that Vintage Wood stuff is calling my name 🙂
Thanks so much Kati! Aren’t they cute??