Hello there my friends! It’s been a great summer here and I hope it was for you as well! The kids are in their second week of school this year and we are all adjusting to the schedule. I have so many things to share with you! I plan to get back to a more regular posting schedule after my boy goes back to Boston next week. I have missed writing here! Today I just thought I would pop in and share how the family is doing! 🙂
My senior is a part time high school student and a part time online college student. I love having her home! There is such a delicate balance between not enough together time and too much, am I right?? A balance we are learning, but I am soaking up the extra time with her knowing that college is drawing ever closer. We have been busy scheduling senior pictures, college visits and all that fun stuff!
My big boy is still with us for a few more days. Always happy to have him a little longer than most college students, since when he heads back to Boston he won’t be home again until Thanksgiving. 🙁 I’m hoping it will be a little easier to send him off this year, but I’m not counting on it.
My ‘little’ guys started 7th and 8th grade this year! I cannot believe that they are getting so big! When I think into the future and start counting the years I start to panic, so really I try to avoid that as much as possible!! Both are running cross country and playing in the band, and playing soccer. I love that they can do things together and that they really get along great most of the time – such a blessing.
So, that’s what’s happening with the kiddos. Hubby and I have been doing a lot of talking/thinking/dreaming/scheming about the future. There have been a lot few bumps in the road this year that could have easily stolen our joy. But, even though these things have been very frustrating we hold fast to our Hope. We go on a walk together almost everyday. Not only is it good exercise it gives us a chance to have an uninterrupted conversation about our day and whatever might be on our minds. It’s my favorite time. 🙂
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. -Hebrews 10:23 (NASB)
Thankful for our family and the love we share.
Awww! Your family looks so great! Thanks for the update! I love having my kids around too. They are 21 and 18. Enjoy every minute!!
Thanks Pam! 🙂