Fear is that like that strawberry seed you get stuck in your teeth. At first it’s small and insignificant, but as time passes, it grows more and more consuming to the point that it is all we can think of.
For women it sometimes starts young. Am I pretty enough? Are my clothes the right style? Am I thin enough? Then it just morphs as we mature. Am I a good wife? Is my husband still attracted to me? Am I a good mother? Are my kids smart enough, cute enough, popular enough, athletic enough? Am I the hostess with the mostest? Is my house good enough? Is my car good enough? And on and on and on. All. consuming. fear. of. being. enough.
WHO are we trying to be enough for?
Sometimes we even try to throw in the – am I godly enough? Ladies, may I remind you fear is not of God or from God, but of the world. The world is constantly sowing seeds of doubt in our hearts and minds. We must remain focused on The Lord and His standards. How do we do that? By spending time with Him in His word.
The closer I am walking with Him the more confident I am that I am doing things right. When I am ‘too busy’ I tend to lose my confidence and start doubting every step I take.

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