The first time I heard Tenth Avenue’s North’s new song “Worn” on the radio I thought – “this could be my theme song”. But, the more I talk to my momma friends the more I realize that it could be an appropriate theme song for all momma’s out there.
Then today I heard it again, and right before they played it they shared this verse of scripture
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (NASB)
Why do I get so consumed with my to-do list and my worries that I forget He is waiting to give me rest? We all need rest, but sometimes what we need more than physical rest is spiritual rest.
Have you ever noticed that when you are intentionally trying to align yourself with the will of God that you experience attack from the enemy even more. Good grief. My husband and I have been working on getting our family back on track and let me tell you, the devil does not like it!! On one hand I’m encouraged because I know that means we are on the right track, but on the other hand I’m worn out and beaten down. As I heard this scripture shared, tears welled in my eyes and in my head I said “duh!”. Why do I try so hard to do it all myself? It’s not even possible to do it all myself. I must lean on Him if I expect to get it even close to right.
I wanted to share this song with you in case you haven’t heard it. I hope it brings you comfort and speaks to your worn out heart. My favorite line is right at the beginning….”I’m tired. I’m worn. My heart is heavy from the work it takes to keep on breathing.” Sometimes it seems to take so much work just to draw our next breath.
Blessings to you and yours this weekend. Hope to find some time next week to share some fun projects with you!!
What a great reminder. Thanks for sharing your heart, Denise!
Love that when we are weary we can come to Him and find that rest like nothing else can bring.