So, we have been empty nesters for three years now. But, this year definitely felt more real. Our daughter bought her own home. Our middle son got married. And our youngest decided to stay in his rent house at college for the summer. So, that’s that! This transition from full-time motherhood to full-time nothingness has been interesting.
While I love that my husband and I can do pretty much whatever we want whenever we want, I have struggled with the fact that I no longer have momming duties that consume my days.

I knew it was coming, I intentionally set out to prepare for these days, and still I’m shook. It’s the weirdest thing that I’ve ever experienced. One day they’re with you everyday, and the next they are not.
Don’t get me wrong! I’m thrilled that my kids are independent and thriving without me! However, I would not consider what I am doing thriving hahaha!
This year especially I have been evaluating things in my life. And then re-evaluating some more. Like this blog for instance. You may have noticed that I took some time off. I haven’t been active on my social media really, I just didn’t have anything to post.
I have been working on building a business with my small shop inside a vendor market here in our town. And, I am loving that. It is challenging and creatively rewarding.

I think that’s the key. Not just finding things to fill your time, but finding things that are rewarding, that spark joy and purpose. Those are the things that will keep me going for the next 50 years.
For all you young mamas out there, take heart. It seems like it’s so far away right now, and it is. But just know, when your oldest graduates high school, buckle up because it’s a constant river of change from there on out. There is always something. More graduations, weddings, moving, jobs, babies, and that’s just the things happening in your kids lives! Inevitably there will be change in your life too. Maybe sickness, job change, loss of parents, and who knows what else. I feel like when the kids are young all your energy is focused on them, so much so that you don’t notice the changes. But as they get older, the changes get bigger and definitely harder to ignore.

I’m not trying to sound all doom and gloom!! Because, although it can be a wild ride, it is ALL a blessing! Even the hard stuff. I have grown closer in my walk with The Lord over the past few years through all the ups and downs, and I am beyond thankful for that. I have also become so much closer with my children and that is amazing! Adult children really are pretty cool. And, watching siblings become adult friends is an answered prayer.
To those of you that are in the same place as we are…keep riding the waves my friend!! Learn to surf and enjoy every second that you can!

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