Okay, so here we go. I have decided to take The Nester’s challenge and choose one topic to blog about for 31 days. There were a lot of topics that I bounced around in my head and in my heart. But, there was one thing that stuck out, something that has been on my brain for a while now. I know there are many other people that are thinking on this topic too. I will tell you many times this month I’m sure that I am FAR from an expert on this subject. But I have gleaned some knowledge over the past several years, that I wish someone would have told me in the beginning, so I am going to share with you what I know. I will also be passing on information from people whom I respect, that know more than I do, and together we will learn more.
My topic for the month:
If you miss a day or two you can always come back here. I will keep an updated index on this page of all the posts in the series.
Day 1: Why WE Chose to Budget
Day 2: Why Budget?
Day 3: Where Does The Money Go?
Day 4: The Budget Meeting
Day 5: Keys to Making it Work
Day 6: God Provides
Day 7: Emergency Spending
Day 8: Cash, Cash, Cash
Day 9: Record Keeping {Budget Binder}
Day 10: The Envelope System {for the cash}
Day 11: Bargain Hunting
Day 12: My Experience With Coupons
Day 13: God Is In Charge
Day 14: Top 5 Budget Busters
Day 15: Meal Planning Basics
Day 16: Destroying Your Debt
Day 17: Blow Money
Day 18: The Benefit of Organization
Day 19: Keeping Up With Who?
Day 20: Giving Back to God
Day 21: Kids and Money
Day 22: Get The Kids On Board
Day 23: How Do Kids Get Their Own Money {Commission vs. Allowance}
Day 24: Teaching Kids About Budgeting and Saving
Day 25: What Do Kids Need to Understand About Debt
Day 26: What Kids Need to Know About Money Before College
Day 27: I Hope To Be A Good Steward
Day 28: Saving And Investing
Day 29: Saving For a Rainy Day
Day 30: Investing In Your Future
Day 31: 31 Days Recap
Thanks for joining me!! Come back everyday for a new tidbit of something budget/money related. Fun times ahead!!
Just a bye-the-bye – I am kicking off this series on my 100th post 🙂
This is such a great idea for a series. I can't wait to read your posts on this. Budgeting is so important and helps so much. Thanks for linking up to Thrifty Thursday.