Well today is my first day to myself after our Christmas break. No work, kids are back at school and hubby went to work. I am relishing in the quiet and catching up on my blog reading. We spent the last five days enjoying the mountains with some long time friends skiing. Van and Garrett were the only ones who had skied before so we knew it was going to be an adventure. I was a complete failure – let me just say I am a weakling and I need to start working out (although I really hate exercise of any form); and I really don’t like feeling out of control. So…I attempted to ski one day, and everyone else had a blast the other two days!! The kids LOVED skiing, so I’m afraid I will have to go back. Maybe next time I will be more prepared (stronger and in better shape) and be able to get the hang of it (not feel like I am flying down the hill at the speed of light straight for the trees).
Now that I am back home and things are back to regular-scheduled-programming, I feel the need to get started on something. My kitchen is probably the only area that didn’t get a lot of attention in the purge and de-cluttering of last year so this is my first mountain to tackle here. It is completely overwhelming to me and I think that’s why I haven’t done it before. I start thinking about all the problems and how this doesn’t function, and that doesn’t work, and how I desperately need a pantry, and I just throw my hands up and say “forget it, it’s hopeless – let’s just gut it”. But, then my husband talks me down from my hysteria, as he often has to do, and ever so gently reminds me that would cost a lot of money (because he knows my taste), and that we have to work with what we have. Blah.
So, last night as I was perusing my kitchen pinterest board, I decided I needed to take it apart and do small pieces at a time. I need to see results quickly or I lose interest. So, today I am going to tackle my drawers. Here are some photos I snapped this morning of the worst culprits – don’t judge you know you have these drawers.
Actually I don't think your drawers look too bad…what does that tell you about mine? 🙂 And, my laundry is clean but all laid out in a stack ready to be hung and folded-been like that for 5 days. Good job on your baby steps!
Skiing is hard work, isn't it ~ glad you had pretty weather or you really wouldn't be excited about going back! Good for you for getting started on your organizing the first day! I put my projects first, but did get the ski clothes in the laundry! 🙂